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Colby understands every aspect of powder handling and storage. We are also a world leader in providing powder packing and inert gassing systems for a wide range of powders into many types and sizes of packs. Colby can design, provide and maintain integrated systems which transform powdered raw materials into finished products ready for distribution.
We have the experience, technology and knowledge required to transform your existing powder equipment infrastructure into an integrated powder handling and packaging systems from process to package.
For more details about Colby Products, please browse through this website or contact us directly.

source: http://www.colbypowder.com/cau/cmsdoc.nsf/WebDoc/crll62t9ux

AZO weiht neues Montagezentrum ein

Die 1963 erbaute Shedhalle, das erste Gebäude im Industriegebiet Ost, war in die Jahre gekommen und sehr sanierungsbedürftig. Zentral im Herzen des AZO Firmengeländes gelegen, wurde in einer Nutzungsstudie in Form einer Diplomarbeit ein Konzept erarbeitet, welches die komplette Montage und die dazugehörigen Kommissionierlager in einem Gebäude unterbringen sollten. Das Stichwort war, die Prozesskosten zu senken, durch Reduzierung der Staplertransporte zwischen den Produktionsstätten Endmontage und Lager.
Lean-Ansätze wie Kanban, „flache Stücklistenstrukturen“, weg von der klassischen Werkstättenfertigung hin zur Teilefamilienorganisation wurden forciert. Um die Kleinteile im neuen Montagezentrum unterbringen zu können, wurde ein Liftlager in Shuttletechnik installiert, welches die gesamte Raumhöhe ausnutzt. Ziel war es, dass die Ware zum Mitarbeiter an den Montagearbeitsplatz kommt. Im Fokus dieser doch nicht unerheblichen Investition standen, kürzere Wege innerhalb der Halle mit einem einheitlichen Warenfluss, ergonomisch und produktiv gestaltete Montagearbeitsplätze sowie optimale Rahmenbedingungen für die Mitarbeiter zu schaffen. Alles mit dem Ziel, die Gesamtdurchlaufzeit der Montageaufträge zu verkürzen, den Staplerverkehr drastisch zu reduzieren, um aus preislicher Sicht noch wettbewerbsfähiger zu werden.
Hinzu kam, dass immer größere Einheiten vormontiert werden müssen, so z. B.AZO COMPONENTER®- und AZO®ShuttleDos-Anlagen in Modultechnik, Hubsäulen und Moduleinheiten, die dann auch einem Werkstest unterzogen werden, häufig im Beisein des Kunden. Hinzu kam mit der Renovierung der Silohalle einhergehend eine strikte Trennung zwischen „schwarz und weiß“, das heißt, in der Silohalle werden Edelstahl und Aluminiumteile gefertigt, die Normalstahlteile werden in einem separaten Hallenbereich gefertigt.
Bei allen Investitionsentscheidungen stand bei der AZO Geschäftsleitung im Mittelpunkt, die Energiekosten um 50% zu reduzieren, dies bedeutet eine Einsparung von 200 t CO2/Jahr. Dies wurde mit einer speziellen Hallendämmung, einem neuartigen Heizsystem sowie Photovoltaikanlagen realisiert. In Zukunft werden in diesem Montagezentrum die neueste AZO Innovation, das AZO®ShuttleDos-System, vormontiert, installiert und getestet. Dieses neue Containersystem bietet hohe Durchsatzleistungen, exakt gewogene Chargen und arbeitet kontaminationsfrei und energieeffizient. Im Moment ist diese AZO Innovation bei Kunden, welche auf CO2-Reduzierung großen Wert legen und in ihrer Firmenphilosophie den Carbon-Footprint-Gedanken verankert haben, der absolute Renner. AZO liefert nicht nur energieeffiziente Anlagen und Systeme, sondern achtet auch im eigenen Haus auf energieeffiziente Arbeitsplätze und Produktionsmethoden.

Nu-Con specializes in the field of bulk solids material handling, offering a full design, manufacture, installation and start-up service in any part of the world.

Nu-Con specializes in the field of bulk solids material handling, offering a full design, manufacture, installation and start-up service in any part of the world.

The Company

Bill Jones
Bill Jones, Founder and Chairman
of Nu-Con Ltd
From raw bulk materials discharge to packaging finished product in containers - and every process in between, Nu-Con can engineer, manufacture and install equipment for all your powder handling needs.
Sanitary applications are our specialty, and we offer designs that meet USDA Dairy/3A, GMP and state standards.
Founded in 1965, today, Nu-Con has become a traditional supplier to many different industries and is recognized as a market leader internationally. Nu-Con divisions worldwide all have electrical control capability, offering hardware and software solutions for control of all the systems offered.

Nu-Con circa 1970
Nu-Con circa 1970 - the company soon outgrew the original workshop

Company Divisions

The Nu-Con group includes several divisions as follows:

Manufacturing Divisions:

Packing Division:
The Nu-Con Packing Division is located in Cryers Rd, East Tamaki, Auckland and manufactures the Smart-Fil range of 25kg and Bulk Bag filling systems. This facility includes full design and engineering capability, as well as extensive test facilities to enable the trialling of complete packing lines and associated equipment.
Foundry Division:
The Foundry Division (Industrial Alloys Ltd) operates facilities for both sand casting and investment casting and provides highest quality castings in ferrous and non-ferros materials, including cast iron, SG iron, carbon steel alloys, stainless steels, Ni-Hard, Ni-Resist, Aluminium, Bronze.
For more details refer: http://www.industrial-alloys.com/
Machine Division:
Nu-Con Engineering Ltd is the division which produces final componentry from cast and bar materials and is equipped with the most modern turning, milling, boring, drilling and profiling equipment necessary to produces the close tolerances and quality finishes required.
Fabrication Division:
Sheetmetal Fabrication of silos, hoppers, vessels and numerous other proprietary items from the Nu-Con range are manufactured at the Fabrication divisions located in New Zealand and Singapore. Non-proprietary items may also be fabricated under close Nu-Con supervision by quality subcontractors around the world.
International Divisions:
Engineering Design Services, Project Management and Customer Support are provided worldwide by Nu-Con offices in the following locations:
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND (Head Office)
Chanhassen, MN, USA
Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Shanghai, CHINA
Yogyakarta, INDONESIA
A network of agents and representatives around the world is also available in other locations.

source : http://www.nucon.com/en/about-us/company-profile/

The Gericke Group.

The Gericke Group.

Markus H. Gericke
Getting ahead with Gericke
Gericke has been supplying total packages for conveying, feeding and mixing projects for the processing of bulk materials for more than 115 years.
The optimal combination of innovation, operational safety and service means additional value and success for our customers!
The development of our technology and products occurs in close co-operation with our customers. Our Gericke Test Centres provide facilities for customers to carry out realistic tests.
Gericke develops and manufactures all the core components in its own production plants and thereby guarantees reliability and quality.

Rely on us
Tradition and innovation for the future. Markus H. Gericke is head of the company in fourth generation and has been managing the company, which operates internationally, since 1996.
The two keywords „tradition" and "innovation" provide a precise definition of Gericke’s self-concept and performance bond. The concept of tradition is not only backed by Gericke’s 115 years of experience but also by a continuous business policy with an orientation to long-term customer relations.
And innovation itself is a Gericke tradition with trendsetting solutions for the requirements of the customers having been developed for more than 115 years. The excellent services offered also indicate that a Gericke system is an investment in a successful future. The Gericke systems service is constantly available to customers, providing technical studies as well as services in connection with maintenance, repair and upkeep.
Gericke’s head office is in Switzerland. We have however our affiliated group companies and representatives in many countries around the world and maintain close customer contact.
Our 260 committed employees work round the clock to inspire our customers.
Our reliable and reputable consulting service and personal project monitoring during the configuration and realisation of systems for the processing of bulk materials are one reason for high customer satisfaction.
How you benefit
„Made by Gericke“ means fast „return on investment“, low maintenance costs and high availability of the systems.

Our process steps include:
  • Reception of the raw materials
  • Control sifting, breaking down of agglomerates
  • Pneumatic Conveying
  • Feeding
  • Mixing processes
  • Filling
  • Automation
source : http://www.gericke.net/en/about-us/

Powder Technology

Powder Technology is an International Journal on the Science and Technology of Wet and Dry Particulate Systems. Powder Technology publishes papers on all aspects of the formation of particles and their characterisation and on the study of systems containing particulate solids. No limitation is imposed on the size of the particles, which may range from nanometre scale, as in pigments or aerosols, to that of mined or quarried materials. The following list of topics is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to indicate typical subjects which fall within the scope of the journal's interests:

  • Formation and synthesis of particles by precipitation and other methods.
  • Modification of particles by agglomeration, coating, comminution and attrition.
  • Characterisation of the size, shape, surface area, pore structure and strength of particles and agglomerates (including the origins and effects of inter particle forces).
  • Packing, failure, flow and permeability of assemblies of particles.
  • Particle-particle interactions and suspension rheology.
  • Handling and processing operations such as slurry flow, fluidization, pneumatic conveying.
  • Interactions between particles and their environment, including delivery of particulate products to the body.
  • Applications of particle technology in production of pharmaceuticals, chemicals, foods, pigments, structural, and functional materials and in environmental and energy related matters.

Contact and other information: Please feel free to contact us for any comments, questions or feedback. In addition, we are always interested in any publication proposals for books, electronic products, new journals and co-operation for existing journals. It is now possible to submit your paper online and benefit from the considerably shorter time required to reach an editorial decision about publication. For all further information, please go directly to External link http://www.elsevier.com/authors.
Hide Aims & Scope
J.P.K. Seville

source :http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/504094/description 

Stuxnet and the Paradigm Shift in Cyber Warfare

A Brief History of the Stuxnet Worm Including Its Targets, the Initial Findings, Possible Creators of the Worm and Its Effects


"President Obama has identified cybersecurity as one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation, but one that we as a government or as a country are not adequately prepared to counter."

- Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) The White House
In July 2010, a public announcement appeared regarding the discovery of the Stuxnet worm that has since caused drastic changes in the worldwide cyber community. This article is a brief history of the Stuxnet worm, including its targets, the initial findings, possible creators of the worm and its effects, using the facts known at the time of writing. This will provide the foundation to describe the changes the worm has had on the cyber community in an effort to show the Stuxnet worm has caused a paradigm shift in cyber warfare.

To discuss if there was a paradigm shift in cyber warfare, you must define the term cyber warfare. Activities in cyberspace between people, corporations and nations have existed for many years. However, due to events in recent history, including the US military's stand up of Cyber Command in 2009, there has been an increased interest in defining the difference between cyber-based espionage, sabotage, hacktivism, cyber terrorism, etc.. and what would be deemed as actual warfare that takes place in the cyberspace domain. The U.S. Air Force published "Cyberspace Operations" Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 3-12 that discusses operations in cyberspace, but the document itself states: "Although cyberspace operations are integral to all combatant commands, Services and agency boundaries, as of the date of publication of this AFDD (15 July 2010), there is no overarching joint doctrine for planning or operations in cyberspace."  Operations conducted in cyberspace, including that deemed as cyber warfare, is very new in relation to other forms of warfare. For this reason, it is difficult for doctrine to keep up with the ever-evolving actions that take place in cyberspace.
Outside of military doctrine, one of the leading definitions of cyber warfare comes from U.S. government security expert Richard A. Clarke. He calls cyber warfare "Actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation's computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption."  However, Clarke stated that the definition was only for how he used the term "cyber war" in his book. Other sources, including the widely viewed Wikipedia, have used his definition as the sole definition of cyber warfare. The issue with this definition outside of his book, though, is that it does not include the ability for non-state actors and groups to conduct cyber warfare. The traditional idea of warfare and nations conducting warfare using tanks, airplanes, aircraft carriers, etc. does not apply in cyberspace. Anyone with a fair amount of training can sit down at almost any computer and turn it into a weapon system. Furthermore, you cannot limit cyberspace by boundaries and sovereign territories. When you combine those facts with the budget and resources many large corporations or powerful groups can supply, you reach a point where warfare is not confined to activities between nation-states.
Specifically in reference to this paper, it is not currently known if Stuxnet was created by a nation-state, corporation, or group of people; yet by Clarke's definition, Stuxnet would not be an act of cyber warfare if it was not used by a nation-state. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, I offer this definition of cyber warfare instead: Actions taken by nation-states, corporations or groups of influence and power to penetrate networks of a nation-state for the purposes of causing damage or disruption to the networks, or espionage conducted for the purpose of extending warfare to other domains. This definition still requires a nation-state as the target. This is more in line with traditional warfare, considering the entities that engage in warfare are nations, whether they are on the receiving or delivering end. Carl Von Clausewitz stated that war is a continuation of politics by other means; the capabilities and actions demonstrated in cyberspace have reached the point where they can influence politics and have become an extension of the traditional war fighting domains.

History of Stuxnet

In June 2010, the Belarus security firm VirusBlokAda first publicly reported the Stuxnet worm.1 It was immediately identified as a critical threat, and companies, including Symantec, began working on analyzing it. Analysis of infection sites pointed to Iran as being a major target of the worm, and news media began running the story of the cyber-attack. On November 29, 2010, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of the Islamic Republic of Iran publicly acknowledged that malicious software had infected the Iranian nuclear facilities and disrupted the nuclear program by targeting the facilities' centrifuges.2 However, the Stuxnet worm was likely affecting the nuclear facilities for over a year before its discovery. Symantec released a dossier that had the earliest form of Stuxnet being detected in June 2009. The Trojan.Zlob variant exploiting the LNK vulnerability later identified in Stuxnet was detected November 20, 2008.3 These pieces of evidence point to the Stuxnet worm being developed and active long before widespread detection and acknowledgement by Iranian officials.
Source: http://www.controlglobal.com/articles/2011/stuxnet-paradigm-shift-in-cyber-warfare.html